Sunday, February 10, 2013

February Fireworks- BOM Challenge Scriptures for this month

FEBRUARY: Provide a sure foundation

1 Nephi 8  Hold fast to the Iron Rod

2 Nephi 9:28, 29 To be learned is good if …

Alma 46:12-14 The Family Proclamation by Capt. Moroni

Alma 37:6,7 By small and simple things (Our Camp Theme Scripture)

Alma 34:32  Life is the time to prepare

Helaman 5:12 Christ is our sure foundation
How does reading the Book of Mormon provide a sure foundation for you?


  1. So I took the challenge to read the entire Book of Mormon during season of Lent. I've never read the entire BoM in 40 days before so I'm both excited and nervous. I'm already in 2nd Nephi (which to me is a huge accomplishment), but anyhow, there is a great scripture that reminded me of all of you girls. In 2 Nephi 2, Lehi is giving his final blessing to his next to youngest son, Jacob. He's telling Jacob how if he follows the commandments and listens to Nephi he'll be blessed even though he is really young. Then he says this, the best part (in verse 4), THOU HAST BEHELD IN THY YOUTH HIS GLORY; WHEREFORE, THOU ART BLESSED. That is like each of you guys. You're young, you already know the gospel so well, and if you aren't feeling the blessings yet, you certainly will! Can't wait for camp!!!! :) Love, Sister Abbott Fuller

  2. I like Alma 37:6,7 because you really sums up this challenge and Girls Camp in general because you have you start small to accompish even the greatest of things. Like this challenge, if you start small by just reading maybe a verse at a time, it will soon become five verses then ten. So with the right attitude, Girls Camp can be something great!
    ~Malory Joyner
    (happy Sis. Harmon? :D
